Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blog 4

We have been learning about simple machines in STEM class and assigned to take pictures of simple machines around our house.

- The blinds in my kitchen are a pully because the string is wrapped around a wheel and axle to allow the blinds to move up and down.

- The water despencer on my fridge is a lever because to allow the water to pass through the nozzle you have to push the lever in.

- The stairs are an inclined plane because they allow somone to go to the second story easier and with less effort

- The screw in my hand is a screw because it has a spiral sructure wrpped around an inclined plane

- The suit case wheel is a wheel and axle because it allows the cae to move with less effort.

- the scissors are a wedge because the blades on the scissors are used to cut through things.

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